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Waterdicht knikdek T Bouwsystemen


Our TB-Hortiroof boasts a lightweight yet robust design, seamlessly adaptable to any Venlo substructure. With the installation of insulated sandwich panels on the facades, we effortlessly craft a fully insulated operational environment.



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A well thought-out construction is the basis of every project. Whether it is new business space or the refurbishing of an existing space. In the design we take into account the function of the business space. This determines the choice and composition of the steel construction.





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IMG 0716

New Builds

All expertises under one roof.

T-Bouwsystemen specializes in supplying all materials and services for the realization of steel construction business premises. Building with steel offers many possibilities. The construction time is fast and the range of materials for the cladding and finishing is extensive. Do you have plans for building a storage space, a workshop, showroom or office unit? We always offer you a tailor-made solution.


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T Bouwsystemen Renovatie 7


You want to make your existing business space suitable for another activity. Or the existing roof and facades deserve an upgrade. We are happy to advise you on such a metamorphosis. We can replace the roof and façade cladding, but also tackle the existing function of the business space.  Transform the existing storage shed into a fully insulated space for offices, staffroom and meeting room.




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an energy-efficient business space

Controlling energy costs is an important aspect of your company's returns. We are now in the middle of an energy transition that is starting numerous discussions about how to implement it properly and effectively. In addition to new techniques for heating and cooling, the degree of insulation of the roof and facades of the business- and production areas is becoming an increasingly important aspect. You want to ensure that during summer the warm air from outside does not enter the business space and in the winter the generated warm air is not lost.

Hal met venlo kasconstructie voorzien van sandwich knikdek en gevels 3

Roof and facade cladding

We offer the right solution for every building requirement. T-Bouwsystemen supplies a wide range of
roof and facade claddings, in single steel sheets or insulated sandwichpanels in various PIR thickness,
ranging from 40mm to 220mm. Enabling us to match every request.


Our engineering department  deals with all the technical aspects of the projects but also develops innovations and solutions to improve parts of the roof and façade cladding. Our patented TB–Guttersystem for the Venlo insulated roof, frequently used in the horticulture industry, is just one example. Click here to read more about this TB-Guttersystem.




A business space that closely matches your corporate identity or perhaps you prefer a more neutral color. T-Bouwsystemen supplies its panels in a wide range of colours and coatings for both the roof and façade panels. These coatings range from 25mμ to 200mμ. The corresponding flashing profiles can also be supplied in the same coating as the panels.

Hal met venlo kasconstructie voorzien van sandwich knikdek en gevels